Home Technology Online team building for a dedicated development team: the best ideas and...

Online team building for a dedicated development team: the best ideas and options


There are two types of employees in quarantine. The first type performs all tasks very slowly, quickly loses enthusiasm, and becomes invisible. At general meetings, such an employee does not put forward new ideas, and his ability to work falls with enviable stability.

The second type of remote worker personally accepts the challenge set for the whole team, works even harder to not only maintain, but improve the company’s position in the market under the current conditions.

The effectiveness of the team’s work directly depends on the ratio of the number of employees of the first and second types. At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to influence the internal mood of employees who work remotely, but this is far from the case.

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Online team building for a dedicated development team: the best ideas and options

Effective tools for remote team building during quarantine will restore morale and working spirit to employees. Team Building activities will remind your employees of the company’s values ​​and rekindle the desire to follow them, working together for the good of the enterprise.

Entertainment for remote employees

Quarantine has affected not only the working conditions of companies, but also corporate events . Managers have to abandon traditional forms of corporate events or team building in favor of online events.

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DoctorTeam quickly developed a number of interesting and effective programs for remote employees. Our online events will help unite the team even without a joint trip to nature or culinary competitions.

The effectiveness of online team building, which is carried out by our company, is due to several factors. First of all, carefully thought-out scenarios that involve each employee in the corporate program. The second factor that determines the effectiveness of remote team building is a new, interesting and unusual format for employees.

Corporate events remotely have several significant advantages:

  • Saving time. All employees simply call up at a predetermined time, no delays on the road or waiting for employees who are delayed due to traffic jams. On the other hand, online events are more flexible. If necessary, it will be easier to transfer them to another time or even to another date.
  • Minimum formalities. To attend a remote corporate event , employees do not need to look for clothes according to the dress code. You can take part in the event in comfortable casual clothes. This will help each team member feel more relaxed. As a result, there will be less stress for each employee and the work will be more productive.
  • Reduction of financial expenses. Remote team building does not require renting a room, arranging parking and catering for employees. In addition, the organizers do not need to worry about the availability of all the necessary furniture and equipment. Online events are devoid of these worries.
  • Convenient for every employee. At the time of the event, your employees can be anywhere: at home, in the country or in the village with their parents – the location of the participants will not affect the remote event in any way. You can download all the tools necessary for team building on the Internet or receive it by courier.

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“Remote” team building sets itself and effectively solves a number of tasks. First of all, improving the psychological climate for each employee and for the team as a whole. Under quarantine conditions, the psychological component is especially important for increasing work motivation and improving loyalty to the company.

Online team building reveals the creative potential of employees. Each “remote” employee gets the opportunity to reveal himself from a new side, demonstrating to his colleagues his intelligence, erudition, ingenuity, logic or ability to respond quickly. New positive qualities, which were not known in the team before spending time together, have a positive effect on the psychological atmosphere.

Team games always help the leader to identify informal leaders in the team, to understand which of the employees is considered an authority.

Team building events help to take a fresh look at existing conflicts in the team. The team game format provides an opportunity to eliminate negative or prejudiced attitudes between employees and entire departments.

There are a lot of scenarios for a corporate event online, and they are really interesting.

The best online team building for employees:

  • Computer game. This is a very popular corporate or team building format during quarantine. Usually choose simple, familiar games. A good example is Minecraft. This is a 100% team game in which each participant has his own area of ​​responsibility, and all work is aimed at a common result. All participants remotely connect to the server, enter the game world and start creating a previously agreed object (it can be your company building, a medieval castle, a garden, a spaceship, and any other object). After the event ends, it will be possible to recreate the layout of the object created in the game.
  • A quiz is a great option for companies with a large number of remote employees. There are several variations of this form of team building in quarantine . All teams can play at the same time, while each of the players is at home and communicates with the rest online. If the teams are small, each of them can come together. For companies with many branches, you can use complex solutions with qualifying games and tournaments.
  • Under quarantine conditions, the team adventure is transferred to an electronic format. For each team, a number of quests are developed with interesting tasks that must be completed before the end of the working day. One of the messengers is selected for the event. Example tasks: the team needs to solve a Sudoku puzzle with the names of departments or company products instead of numbers; you need to guess the password from the link, by clicking on which the team will download a new video puzzle; a department or a separate team needs to take thematic photos according to assignments (for example, take a picture of something old on something new, build a composition “quieter you go – further you will be”, and so on).
  • Remote team building will help each employee transform into an artist or screenwriter who is involved in a large-scale project to create a corporate comic. This is a creative and, at the same time, team form of the game with a thematic task that an instructor helps each team to complete.

There are a lot of examples of team building for quarantine. Scenarios can be general or related directly to the specifics of your company. Not sure which option is best for your company? We will help you choose a scenario for a quarantine event that will be one hundred percent consistent with the characteristics of your team.

With all the variety of scenarios for online teambuilding events, they all share a few common concepts. Organization of team building at a distance always includes the following steps:

  • An online event is always accompanied by an instructor who explains in advance the rules for holding a gaming corporate party or team building, helps to form teams, and establishes interaction between individual participants.
  • Provision of props. Participants of the event will not need to cope with tasks with the help of improvised means. All necessary tools will be provided to participants in advance. Links to applications or online tools will be sent out in advance. If props are needed for team building during quarantine, they will be delivered by a courier.
  • Building a graph with a clear designation of time. In most cases, the participants will need several phone calls: for a briefing, for a team discussion of the upcoming task, for the actual conduct of the event, and for debriefing.

Conducting a remote team building takes as much time as a real meeting. An online event can also have several stages. Some scenarios are designed to run over multiple days. Such scenarios are suitable for companies whose employees are accustomed to corporate parties for the whole weekend. On average, corporate team building will take 3-5 hours, including breaks.

Together with the scriptwriters of our company, you can develop a script for a corporate event that is ideal for your company. You can choose text, graphic or video format for the gaming event.

Why is our remote team building the best?

  • We work with different formats of team building remotely. We are not limited to 10 quiz or quest options. We offer our clients different formats for corporate events. You can choose an exciting computer game, an intriguing quest, a text quiz or creative formats with collaboration on a comic book, video or a full-fledged corporate film.
  • Each team will receive a competent, creative and very patient instructor who will accompany the event every step of the way.
  • For greater involvement, excitement or intrigue, we will create a dynamic individual or team rating that will display the results of the players.
  • We will save computer visualization for your team, whether it is a full-fledged Minecraft layout, a drawn comic book, a film or a video clip created by employees.
  • At the request of the customer, TV and show business stars will join the quarantined corporate party.