Home IT Ultimate Guide – How PPC Works

Ultimate Guide – How PPC Works


What is PPC?

PPC (pay-per-click) marketing is a type of internet advertising in which firms earn money when consumers click on their advertisements. Advertisers compete to win bids based on the perceived value of a click in terms of keywords, platforms, and audience composition.

The Basics

All types of campaign goals, including:

  • Generating leads
  • Increasing sales opportunities
  • Brand awareness Promoting

The PPC system is all about relevance. Users are looking for particular items, services, and information at any one moment. Advertisers may deliver a tailored ad to users in the search engine as they type. If a user searches for “blue running shoes,” an advertiser may display an ad that talks about “blue running shoes.”

Advertisements can run successful PPC campaigns as long as relevance is crucial, regardless of their targeting settings and account structure.

The best PPC agency based in London will help you define your objectives and find the right keywords to target. They’ll also optimise your account structure by setting up conversion tracking, defining budgets, and testing ads.

Main Platforms

Google Ads

Google Ads is the most popular pay-per-click platform because it runs on Google, searches other network sites, and displays adverts on partner sites. Google Ads was originally launched in October 2000 and has since gone through many modifications. Google Ads is designed for a wide range of businesses, ranging from small companies to Fortune 500 corporations.

Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising is a pay-per-click platform that delivers advertising on the Microsoft and Yahoo networks, much like Google Ads. The website also makes use of Search Partners. Microsoft Advertising is primarily a keyword-based advertising platform. On the Bing Network, there were about 137 million unique desktop searches in 2017, according to Microsoft Advertising*).

Account Structure

Campaigns and Ad Groups

Keyword themes are the organizing principles for ad content. Advertisers start by selecting keyword themes and building unique campaigns. A PPC expert, for example, may establish a campaign with the theme “Coffee Tables.” The ad groups in this campaign are classified under distinct categories called “ad groups.”


The options for each keyword must be predefined. Match types define the queries for which advertisements will appear. There are seven different match types:

Exact – The query must be entered exactly.

Exact (Close Variant) – The text must be entered correctly, but it is acceptable to include misspellings or different forms.

Phrase – When there are additional words before or after the query, its order must be correct.

Phrase (Close Variant) – Even if additional terms come before or after the query, you must type them in correct order. You may include misspellings or other variants in your query.

Broad – The query can be entered in any order, and it may display advertising for comparable queries.

Modified Broad – The query may be entered in any order, but it must contain terms that include a plus sign.

Broad (Session-Based) – A form of broad match that considers other queries from the user’s current search session.

Here’s a table of the match types, keywords, and possible search queries.

Negative Keywords

Negative keywords, on the other hand, can be used to block undesirable traffic. Someone who searches for a “free coffee table” isn’t searching for anything in particular. When a user types the term “free” into the Google search engine, their ad will not appear. Negative keywords for a firm offering high-end goods might be “bargain” or “cheap.”


Audiences are distinct groups of people organized in a variety of ways. The most common usage for audiences is remarketing. Audiences can be made based on various factors, including page views, time spent on the site, pages visited, and more. Audiences are similar to keywords in that they’re bid on based on relevance. Advertisers may, for example, bid more to remarket to shopping cart abandoners than to visitors to the site.