Home IT Top 7 Benefits Of Internet In Developing Countries

Top 7 Benefits Of Internet In Developing Countries



The 4th industrial revolution’s technological advancements have resulted in vast and unanticipated shifts in the global economic paradigm. Moreover, it has resulted in new globalizing processes that are increasingly interactive and intelligent.

Instantaneous communication, new goods, and production processes, enhanced air and sea transportation, have all been made possible by the internet.

Everything is possible because of the internet, working from home via online platforms, ordering restaurant delivery, and personal transportation services. Even scheduling massage and house cleaning services over the internet has allowed people to better their livelihoods and even live in luxury.

Top Benefits Of Internet In Developing Countries

Due to the internet, even people in developing nations can access the online movie streaming sites such as The Pirate Bay and entertain themselves. So let’s take a look at the topmost benefits of the internet in developing countries.

1: Lifting People Out Of Poverty

Individuals in developing nations can access more of the contemporary economy by using the internet. For example, those living in rural locations may now readily take out microloans and engage in e-banking, thanks to internet access.

There are more than 3,098 microfinance institutions in the world now, serving more than 211 million people in emerging nations. Those living in extreme poverty can enhance their quality of life by using such economic methods.

2: Increasing Access To Education

Third-world nations are better equipped to overcome the education gap between urban and rural populations as internet access keeps on improving. Mobile electronic devices are now being used in sparsely populated areas to give basic school training to students who would not otherwise receive it.

For example, the Kenyan education ministry is now launching a massive literacy campaign with a budget of $173.5 million. The initiative uses BRCKs, which are durable, individualized tablets with instructional information that can be sent to people living in even the most distant regions.

3: Ease Of Communication

The internet is, without a doubt, the most cost-effective and efficient mode of communication. Individuals in developing nations can use it to participate in e-conversations using apps like WhatsApp and WeChat.

According to a 2017 poll, around 85% of internet users in Sub-Saharan Africa used it to communicate with family and friends. On the other hand, almost 60% of people use it to access social media sites. Thus, they can maintain increased communication with loved ones when they are overseas.

4: Improving Crop Efficiency

Farmers in developing nations may quickly get information about crucial elements like humidity, temperature, and terrain topography through various sensors using IoT devices. Precision agriculture has also contributed to establishing specialized insurance systems in third-world nations.

Farmers in Eastern Africa may now get insurance via Kilimo Salama that will automatically make mobile payments to them whenever their local weather sensors record catastrophic weather events. This initiative has registered over 150,000 farmers to date.

5: Improved Living Standards

The internet has opened numerous doors in terms of health awareness, banking, service access, and language translation in developing nations in terms of improved living standards. Project Masilueke is an organization that uses a text messaging service to provide health warnings to vulnerable populations.

Patients may now easily open bank accounts and make payments to health providers using mobile banking systems. Even accessing Alexa and Google Home is also possible for the third world population who did not think it possible a few years back.

6: Increased Employment

Computers with internet access not only allow people to interact with businesses and locate employment online, but they also serve as an essential tool for training, literacy, and education. Students who have access to computers may develop specialized abilities for the future and secure their employment.

Graduate students deemed unemployed in the professional sector spend six months learning new skills via the internet, honing their computer abilities. They also acquire professional etiquette and improve their English skills, thus getting employment in foreign companies.

7: Greater Global Participation

In 2018, 53% of adult internet users utilized the internet to keep up with current events. As many developing nations also have internal problems, keeping residents updated on current events is very important. In addition, individuals in underdeveloped countries can participate in global discussions through the internet.

Social media campaigns have shown to be very efficient in raising awareness about various topics and increasing protest participation. For example, many Iranians utilized Twitter to express their dissatisfaction with the 2009 disputed Iranian election.

Final Thoughts

Many people’s lives in developing countries have been dramatically influenced in overwhelmingly good ways as a result of improved internet access and creative developments. Moreover, universal internet access is no longer a pipe dream with the growing popularity of internet kiosks and cafés in rural regions. Hence, if you want to know anything else about it, ask us in the comment section.