Home Technology Why the Online Casino Industry is Already Looking Forward to 6G

Why the Online Casino Industry is Already Looking Forward to 6G


It might seem a little premature to be talking about 6G technology when 5G has barely rolled out. But, already, there is considerable speculation about what it may involve. This has been fueled by claims that, when it does arrive, it’s going to make 5G seem like 2G.

Among the sectors that are most excited by the prospect of a super-fast network, along with extra-wide bandwidth, is the online casino world. As an industry that has always relied on innovation and cutting-edge technology to drive it forwards, this doesn’t come as much surprise. But what is astonishing is the many ways in which it could prove to be a real game-changer.

Even games that have a relatively low need for online speed like bingo could create a completely transformed experience for players. Some sites already offer a wide number of varieties of the game, such as Pearl Room, Deal or No Deal Mutliplier and Age of the Gods Bingo on Paddy Power. 6G could allow them to multiply this number many times over, meaning that many more players could take part simultaneously. This will obviously act as a stimulus for developers to see just how far they’ll be able to take the simple game of bingo, with the sky the potential limit.

It’s also when you move onto games like slots that the possibilities become even more exciting. Already, these games are light years ahead of the old versions that featured on the very first online casino sites. But we can look forward to 6G allowing them to become even more complex, not to mention linking many, many more together to create some joint jackpots.

Card Dealer Holding Cards – Poker” (CC BY 2.0) by pokerphotos

Another area that is also set to be completely transformed by the eventual arrival of 6G will be the live casino offering. This is an innovation introduced relatively recently in which live games like blackjack and roulette are streamed to players’ PCs and mobile devices. The game information, such as the cards being dealt or the number the roulette ball lands on, is digitized by the same sort of tech used by ANPR systems.

Currently, many of these games are limited to a maximum number of players, but this could change with 6G. The more reliable connections and lower latency rates will also create an even better gaming experience.

But the really exciting development could be that the huge speeds of over 100Gbps could allow for cognitive interfaces that link directly with players’ thought and decision-making patterns via smart glasses or contact lenses. Imagine if all control could be carried out in a genuinely hands-free way. It may seem like pure science-fiction at the moment. But if the last few decades have shown us anything, it’s that this has a habit of becoming science fact.

However, you shouldn’t hold your breath. Even with the likes of the Japanese government putting almost $500 million into 6G R&D, it’s not likely to be with us for at least another decade.

Until then, we’ll just have to make the most of everything 5G has to offer us.