Home Science What CBD Topicals Can Do for You and Your Skin

What CBD Topicals Can Do for You and Your Skin


CBD has been popular for many years due to its benefits in pain and anxiety management. However, more recently, CBD has become a buzzword for another reason: its multiple benefits for your skin. We’ve broken down the reasons CBD topicals are amazing for your skin, as well as what to look for when purchasing CBD skin products.

What Are CBD Topicals?

CBD stands for cannabidiol which is naturally contained in the cannabis plant. Like the famous THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is a cannabinoid. Unlike THC, however, CBD has no psychoactive properties. So, your CBD lip balm will not make you feel high or give you a case of the munchies!

CBD is usually extracted and turned into an oil. This extracted oil is then mixed into a variety of skincare products. Today, CBD topicals include serums, lotions, balms, and masks.

You may be wondering why CBD topicals have suddenly become so popular in the world of skincare. The answer is simple. With CBD products becoming so popular in the world of healthcare, more scientists have begun research on the effects of the compound. The expansion of research has led to the identification of several CBD benefits, including those for the skin.

Benefits of CBD to the Skin

Now that we understand what CBD topicals are and why they have become popular, it’s time to look at their benefits. The key advantages of CBD for skin are outlined below. A CBD topical:

Aids in Combating Oily Skin

One of the most prevalent skin conditions on the planet is acne. It affects millions worldwide and can significantly influence one’s quality of life. One of the main causes of acne is sebum overproduction. You may remember from high school biology that sebum is an oily, waxy substance created in the sebaceous gland in your skin. Think of it as a layer that coats and protects your skin. When too much sebum is produced, pimples ensue. CBD topicals stop the sebaceous gland from producing more sebum than is needed.

Reduces Inflammation

The same study by researchers in Hungary also found that CBD topicals also reduce inflammation and redness. As such, using CBD skin care products helps reduce the most painful and obvious aspect of acne. In addition, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties make it the perfect alternative treatment for people with eczema and rosacea.

Moisturizes Dry and Itchy Skin

In 2006, scientists from Germany discovered that CBD topicals reduce itching by 86% in patients with dry and flakey skin. As such, CBD products are recommended for people who suffer from prurigo, lichen simplex, and pruritus.

Things to Know Before Buying CBD Topicals

Buying a CBD product online (especially for the first time) can be quite a task. The market is full of options, and figuring out what product works best for you may be overwhelming. When purchasing CBD topicals, there are a few things to watch out for.

  • Brand Reputation: Before buying from a company, check to ensure there are no negative reviews regarding their production processes and hiring practices.
  • Product Reviews: If you truly want to know how good a product is, ask the people who have already tried it. You can find customer reviews on your favorite social media outlets and the company’s website.
  • Good refund policy: When buying a new product, a refund policy always adds some peace of mind. Plus, it shows that the company is confident in what they are selling!
  • Informative website: A trustworthy brand is a transparent brand. Buy from websites where important information about the product is clearly communicated.

If you still need some help on where to get started, we recommend https://premiumjane.com/topicals/. Premium Jane meets all the requirements listed above! It is one of the leading local CBD manufacturers with great product reviews and a very user-friendly website. To top it off, if you are unsatisfied with the product, you can return it within 30 days of purchase.

Final Thoughts

CBD topicals are the new skincare buzzword for a good reason. Whether you need to combat oily and inflamed skin, or you need help moisturizing dry and flaky skin, CBD products can help! With a wide range of products- creams, balms, serums, glosses- and our guide, finding a product that is right for you is inevitable. We hope you enjoyed our article! Let us know what CBD topical is your favorite!