Home IT The Best Guide to Write High Quality Ranking Articles

The Best Guide to Write High Quality Ranking Articles


Once in a blue moon, beginners who write articles like to think of how to improve the articles for ranking. They post the content usually for getting paid. It is not right. Their articles should earn excellent ratings from readers to top the list. Know the best guide for composing ranking article which must have no syntactical disorder. The complete content or blog should have the title, intro and the body of content. The conclusion is the ending part to reflect the writer’s views. Ranking articles should have keywords maintaining density. There will be short subheadings to make the articles up to the mark. Have more information about the content writing for higher ranking.

Understand the Power of SEO Works

If you have basic formula to create and format the content, prioritize the SEO works. This is very necessary for every professional content writer. Here, you are not a writer merely, you are also a marketer to promote the articles for business branding, customer retention and the brand visibility. Therefore, do the perfect SEO to optimize the articles from top to bottom. First and foremost job is to enhance the perfect keyword placement.

Check the frequencies of the usage of keywords/ phrases in different paragraphs. The title should have the keyword to increase the viewership trend. Secondly, many new writers forget to add the backlinks or outbound links to the content. Others who do not have knowledge about your site can’t read you content. Put the links on their sites or directories to take customers to your site for getting regular web traffic.

Clarity in Conception to Write the Content

Your article with a proper topic title, intro, body and the conclusion may be cancelled. Here, as a writer, you fail to motivate your readers. They need the conception clarity. From the intro to the rest of the article, the writers should be clear and confident of providing the information in a simple way. The information should be catered in organized way. Often, the writers do not use the thesis statements or linking words. Therefore, the content loses its strength and proper connectivity to communicate with the readers. The points of ranking articles should be precise and given under a few bullets for the convenience of viewers.

Do Not Mess up to Arrange Sentences in Your Article

You are not a Nobel laureate. Your created content will be the vehicles for the marketers to enhance the improvement in ROI in the long run. Common buyers will go through your product reviews. Teens like to gather information from your generic content. Therefore, do not use cluster of the most difficult Latin words, multiple obsolete terms and complicated jargons. It will not involve your viewers searching for simple explanation. So, the articles for higher SERP rates must have readable lucid sentences which are easy to mug up. Instead of using intricate serpentine multiple compound complex sentences, try to describe in such a way that readers are excited. Short and simple sentences without passive voice fuel up the ROI engine to take you to the highest point.

Be Precise to Compose Paragraphs

Your article should not be hazardous for your readers to discover what you deliver. The long critical statements which have a lot of jargons, punctuation and hyperboles in the content do not get higher readership. A perfect sentence should contain 15 to 20 words. The article brevity makes it readable and presentable.

The best article with the specific theme, ideas and relevant points must have the sets of keywords, links and top phrases. Finally, the article should have the three components – intro, body of the content and conclusion. Last but not the least, filter your article by using plagiarism checker to make it natural and original for the audience.