Home Technology These New Technologies are saving Lives

These New Technologies are saving Lives


We adapt to new technologies much more easily than scientists thought we could, a few decades ago. In fact, we start using something new almost every month, without any difficulties. That is largely due to the fact that technologies today are built to be user-friendly, which means you don’t have to learn anything before you use it. Here are some of the important technologies that have come into society and are saving lives.

Unseen Technologies

Most of the technologies that help save lives today, or help us live better, are unknown to us. You just have to think of a multi-mode plate reader in labs, that reduce the time it takes to analyse samples, and saves patient money, regarding the cost of the tests. We don’t know they exist, yet they have been helping saving lives for a few years now. There are so many of these instruments, throughout the healthcare industry, which we are not aware of. But this unseen technology has accompanied us and will continue to do so, in the future, helping us live longer and better.

Medicine Delivery Drones

In a big city, you can usually find a pharmacy at walking distance. In an emergency, you can call an ambulance, and you will be safe in a hospital, within minutes. However, those living in isolated locations may not have that chance, when it comes to the availability of healthcare solutions. To some, it is a choice, but for others, living in remote places is simply what has been done for generations. It is particularly true in such locations as Africa. That is where medicine delivery drones come in handy. Lately, they have been used to deliver COVID-19 vaccines, in many different parts of the world, but normally they are the most practical solution to delivery regular drugs to villages or individuals.

3D Printed Human Parts

You may think that this is not yet possible, but then you would be wrong. There had already been instances of muscles, bones, and tissues created through 3D printing. In fact, it has already been tested on rats, as human tissues were implanted on them. There is no doubt that this is a serious part of tomorrow’s healthcare process. If we are able to reproduce human organs, instead of waiting for donors, individuals will be able to receive them immediately, by reprinting a new one. And although we have not reached that step yet, we are not far from it, either.

Self-braking Cars

If there is one thing that kills a lot of people every year, it is car accidents. Too many times it involves human error. Distraction is one of the most common elements in accidents. People looking at their phone is still a thing! There are also other drivers which are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Some of the times, these accidents could be prevented, simply by having the person put on the breaks, before it is too late. There are now cars that are produced with an automated braking system which will stop it before it comes into contact with an object ahead. This is bound to save many lives in the future, of people that will now be able to go on as if nothing happened.

Medical Sponges that stop the bleeding

This technology was created by the army. The idea was to help stop the bleeding of a person that has received a bullet on the battlefield. It is quite effective, as it can fully stop it, in a matter of seconds. It has been an unknown technology to most of us, still it has been used by the US Army, abroad, for many years now. The FDA just approved these sponges for medical use on US soil. Therefore, it should now be utilized for much broader applications. It is applied through large syringes. The sponges expand to 10 times their size, once in place, and stop the bleeding within 20 seconds.

It should be noted, to end this article, that many new items in cars and other travel engines, are being created to save more lives, by eliminating the danger of accidents. For example, many cars now have facial readers which can tell when the driver starts to become sleepy. It then makes a strong noise to advise them to stop and take a break.