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A look at the difference between playing casino games online and offline


When you play at an online casino, you could be sitting in the comfort of your own home or on the move and playing on a mobile device, but no matter where or how you’re playing, the casino will endeavor to recreate the experience of playing in a brick-and-mortar casino as much as possible.

Online casinos are renowned for the variety of games customers can play, as well as for the comfort and convenience they offer for players. Below is a look at the different games you can play at online casinos and at the differences between doing so online and offline.


Although you can play online slots in much the same way as you would offline slots, there are some major differences between the two, the most obvious being that you transfer money from your bank account to your gaming wallet to play.

Playing slots online doesn’t have quite the same atmosphere as playing them offline. The tangibility of the machines is missing, as is the background chatter of people while they enjoy a few drinks in the bar. The online slots, however, make up for it with crisp graphics, lively music and other features that make the game engaging.

Another major difference is that you can try out online slots for free. Ask to do so in the offline environment and the establishment owner will meet your request with a resounding ‘No’.

Combine these advantages with the fact that slots spoil players with variety and it’s clear that this type of game is one of the more beneficial for any player who goes online for their casino gaming.


Roulette is one of the most popular games around, but playing it in an offline casino is expensive. Many offline casinos are designed more with affluent players in mind. Not only this, but there’s a real atmosphere at the table, which can go against you if you’re playing on a budget. Socializing with other players may be enjoyable, but you may feel under pressure to wager higher amounts to save face in front of them and the crowd of onlookers around the table.

Playing roulette online, however, affords you with privacy, relieving you of any pressure to spend more than you wish to. It’s also a good way to learn how to play roulette and you can play for free, whereas playing as a beginner in an offline casino environment can be intimidating and even though you can play some practice games, you have to pick up the game fast. Online, you can control the speed of the game and also learn at your own pace.


Just like playing roulette online, playing blackjack online takes considerable pressure off you in most cases. In some live casinos, the dealer may urge you to pick up the pace when making decisions, especially if there are other players at the table, but for the most part, you can play as slow or as fast as you wish.

In an offline casino, you have to look like more of a pro and learn the different hand signals to indicate what the dealer should do. Online, you don’t have to do all that. You can sit back and enjoy the game. The lack of distractions, whether from blinking lights, music or other players, will also make your session at the table more pleasurable, not to mention the fact you’ll make better decisions.


Perhaps one of the biggest advantages an offline game of poker gifts upon the players is the opportunity to observe “tells”, which can persuade you to change your strategy if the tells of the other players suggest it could give you an edge. There’s no way to hide a bad poker face.

In the world of online poker, however, this isn’t possible and can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how the game is going for you. Instead, you’ve got to observe how others are playing and partially base your strategy around this.

The difference in strategy also means that online you may also encounter players who play more aggressively. They may play more hands. They may chase more draws. This is because they don’t have to endure the annoyance of players face to face if their playing style is causing inconvenience. Again, however, it can be a blessing if you’re patient enough, as this could trip them up at the table eventually.


Baccarat is one of those casino games that has something of a refined air about it. The experience around baccarat in an offline casino is more upmarket one. It’s a high-stakes game. You sit down to the table if you have money… real money.

Baccarat online doesn’t offer quite the same experience, but still has lots of benefits. You can play for free. The game feels fair because no one can alter the outcome of a hand. It’s also safe to play because you don’t have to carry lots of money and the casino uses encryption technology to keep your details secure.

Casino games are enjoyable, but playing the same games online and offline is very different. Offline may allow you to experience the atmosphere that certain games create, but playing online relieves the pressure that offline casino gaming places upon you, allowing you to sit back and get the most out of your gaming.