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5 Types of Concept Art to Consider Today


Conceptual digital art is of great importance at this point. It differs from the traditional art form in a unique area that has the ability to transform, coming to life on the screen.

There is every reason to believe that nothing will be able to show mythical creatures, with the exception of digital art.

5 Types of Concept Art to Consider Today

The job of a concept artist is to think through ideas and bring them to life when creating a digital project. There are different ways to develop ideas, styles to complement the narrative.

If you are just starting out as a concept artist, you need to have some knowledge of how different types of concept art shape digital art. Check out our concept arts website to find out more.

Environment concept art

Concept art focuses on the process of structuring, creating landscape projects. It is intended to determine the place of action, to estimate the time, in what order the actions will be carried out.

Sequencing is a complex aspect, requiring an artist to have a set of qualities: good vision for composition, perspective and architectural design.

Environment concept art is characterized by the layering and texture of the image layout. Every detail on the screen that is used in the process of creating scenes must match the rest.

If the action takes place on a clear day, the overall layout will be significantly different visually and texturally from intended for a soothing and relaxed episode. Their mood is different.

Basics for understanding

Understanding the basics of design is the first step to getting the job done and done in the best possible way. Only regular practice of what you want to portray will improve. This is true for any kind of conceptual art.

If you are thinking about designing an environment, you need to adjust your point of view.

You can ruin the whole result of the painting if any part of your perspective does not match the overall design. An important aspect of depicting a foreign or fantastic object is the artist’s dexterity.

Data from the Internet

The main task of the environment artist is to provide and visualize non-existent things, to make them real and convincing. In addition to the basics, you need to understand design, know what the main objects are in the form of plants, animals, geological attributes, in order to more easily reproduce ideas.

When you understand these things, you will have to practice as much as possible, sketching.

What is the proposed approach

At first, it will be difficult for the concept artist to manage this task to get paid. You can create a specific art form, but the choice will be made by the studio or the client. This means that you need to be well versed in everything they ask. This is a serious test to show the versatility of the artist.

There may be people in the environment, the artist needs to understand gestures and human anatomy. A good method to add perspective to your work is by adding humans or animals. Choosing a color and color scheme can make or break a project.

Character concept art

5 Types of Concept Art to Consider Today

A concept artist is required to have a set of qualities to be able to create and coordinate different aspects of characters. This includes everything from anatomical features, costumes, to general movements and gestures. The master must be able to portray these things correctly. This is important when creating realistic body types. You need to be able to create fantastic characters.

A good knowledge of the anatomy and characteristics of people, as well as animals, will allow you to create wonderful characters that are absent in the real world.

Understanding basics

In digital art, character creation is an in-demand specialty. For this work, specialists are paid upon the basis of the background, personal qualities and other design features. Initial works may be in 2D form and structure, but the industry is focused on 3D rendering. Many high quality projects contain both 2D and 3D. At the same time, many artists perform tasks of these two types at the same time.